Art critic and historian Hal Foster reads from his latest book, Bad New Days. Writing about the work of artists Thomas Hirschhorn, Tacita Dean, Isa Genzken, and others, Foster examines how the art of the last 25 years has anticipated the general condition of emergency instilled by neoliberalism and the war on terror. His reading inaugurates What is Contemporary?, a new MOCA series that invites artists, scholars, critics, and curators to discuss contemporaneity in art.

Hal Foster
What is Contemporary? Hal Foster

Thursday, Oct 1, 2015 7pm
What is Contemporary? Hal Foster
Art critic and historian Hal Foster reads from his latest
book, Bad New Days. Writing about the work of artists Thomas Hirschhorn,
Tacita Dean, Isa Genzken, and others, Foster examines how the art of the last
25 years has anticipated the general condition of emergency instilled by
neoliberalism and the war on terror. His reading inaugurates What is
Contemporary?, a new MOCA series that invites artists, scholars, critics, and
curators to discuss contemporaneity in art.