Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of MOCA are self-elected representatives of the public interest, and fiduciaries of the institution's resources. Their primary role is to encourage the realization of the museum's goal to present a quality program in contemporary art and culture.
Board of Trustees 2024-2025
Maria Seferian, Chair
Carolyn Clark Powers, President
Eugenio Lopez, Vice-Chair
Heather Podesta, Secretary
The Honorable Karen Bass*
Johanna Burton*
Kathi B. Cypres
Tim Disney
Jennifer Hawks Djawadi
Clifford J. Einstein, Chair Emeritus
Susan Gersh
Council President Marqueece Harris-Dawson*
Deborah Irmas
Blake Johnson
Karyn Kohl
Barbara Kruger
Wonmi Kwon
Tala Madani
Maurice Marciano, Chair Emeritus
Mary Klaus Martin
Rodney McMillian
Nancy Kwon Merrihew
Margaret Morgan
Corinne Opman
Sean Parker
Christina Quarles
Steven Rice
Pete Scantland
Terri Smooke
Jeffrey Soros, President Emeritus
Berry Stein
Carlo Traglio
Julie Wainwright
Christopher V. Walker
Orna Amir Wolens
Vida Yaghmai
Life Trustees
Maria Arena Bell
Betye Monell Burton
Lenore S. Greenberg
Audrey Irmas
David G. Johnson
Frederick M. Nicholas
Dallas Price - Van Breda
Thomas E. Unterman
Life Trustees, In Memoriam
Eli Broad, Founding Chairman
Blake Byrne
Beatrice Gersh
Lillian Lovelace